When it comes to maintenance and upkeep, your computer is more like your
car than your toaster. Your toaster may not need any attention, but the car
requires oil changes, new tires, tune-ups, and more, to keep it running
In between releases of major versions of security software, software
publishers typically release patches to fix what’s broken. There are different
kinds of patches and it can help to know the difference between them because
some are big fixes and others are small.
These Security Bulletins are generally rated as Critical by Microsoft
because they consider it fairly urgent that you apply the patch to protect your
computer system. If your computer seems to be working just fine, you may wonder
“Why bother upsetting the apple cart by applying a patch?” Simple: You should
apply the patch as a sort of vaccination for your computer to keep it running
smooth. Many viruses, worms, and other malware exploit flaws and
vulnerabilities in your system in order to do their dirty work. Your system may
seem fine now, but by not applying a patch you might be opening the door for
malware or attackers to come in.
Some patches may fix a flaw in some particular service or underlying
program that only a relative minority of users actually uses in the first place
and which may not be urgent enough for you to bother downloading and
installing. However, some flaws may expose your computer to remote attacks that
enable the attacker to assume full control of your computer system enabling
them to install software, delete files, distribute e-mail in your name, view
your personal and confidential data, and more. Obviously, a patch for such a
vulnerability has a higher urgency than the first one.
Patches that repair vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely, in
other words, from some other system, rather than requiring the attacker to
physically sit down in front of your computer, are even more urgent when you
consider that many viruses and worms take advantage of these flaws to exploit
systems and propagate to other vulnerable systems. These vulnerabilities provide
a relatively easy method of attack for malware authors, and the time frame
between the patch being released and a virus or worm exploiting the
vulnerability being released on the Internet is getting shorter and shorter.
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