Using Skype to meet organizational marketing demands

One of the strongest revenue drivers in marketing is to be in touch with your customers, both to speak to and listen to your target audience. Whether your goal is social networking, broadcasting a message, or contacting individual customers, Skype can help you to achieve your marketing objectives as follows;

Hold a no-cost community gathering online
Reach a large audience by holding a Skypecast or conducting High Speed Conferencing. Here’s an example of what you can do through a Skypecast or High Speed Conferencing. Pharmaceutical companies and health care providers often engage in programs such as Direct to Consumer communications. These organizations can use online audio conferencing as a catalyst for the public to seek more in-depth information, including active dialogue with health care providers about the benefits and risks of a prescription medicine or a new clinical trial.
Stay connected with your customers and business associates
Skype equips you with an electronic way to hand out a business card: the SkypeWeb button. This button creates a live link that you can post on a Web site or include with an email signature block. A unique aspect of this link is that it shows your “presence,” the Skype word for availability — which you can tell Skype to change automatically. Imagine handing someone a business card that changes its information when you are on vacation, out to lunch, or in the office. SkypeWeb buttons are clever and useful marketing devices. They can also be picked up by search engines because they are written in HTML code, the language of the Internet. The SkypeWeb button just looks like your Skype online status button as it would appear on anyone’s Skype window who happens to have you listed as a contact. Also, the SkypeWeb button can be viewed and used by anyone who has Web access and cares to reach you. All you need to do is copy and paste a small piece of HTML code to Web pages you post. After the page is placed on the Web and viewed by anyone, the button is rendered to display your availability — for example, “Call me!”; “Add me to Skype”; “Chat with me”; “View my profile”; “Leave me voicemail”; or “Send me a file.” It’s a little magical. Sit at your desk, log on to Skype, and anyone can cruise your Web site and catch you in the office. To create your SkypeWeb button, go to

Have a global presence from your desktop
Using a Skype Mood Message, you can send out instant global alerts to your Skype contacts. Simply post a short message next to your name in your Skype window, and all your Skype contacts who have you on their Contacts list will automatically see your message displayed next to your name in their Skype Contacts window. When you change the message on your machine, it changes on theirs.

Maintain customer access at your fingertips with Skype
Your Skype Contacts list is not an island. It is easily bridged with you  contacts in Microsoft Outlook. To find, and skype, anyone in your Outlook contacts list, simply have both programs running at the same time. In Skype, choose ViewView Outlook Contacts. All your Outlook contacts are instantly accessible from within your Skype Contact window. You can perform a quick search by entering a portion of a person’s name in the text entry area for entering a Skype Name or phone number. As you enter the name, your list of contacts is filtered to show only those names, including your Outlook contacts, that match. If your Outlook contacts contain phone numbers, you can easily SkypeOut to them. It is an extraordinary timesaver, organizer, and therefore potential money saver.
Support your customer base with Skype
Many companies are beginning to discover the advantage of providing helpcenter call-in services via Skype. You can take this use a step further. For an organization with a traditional call center, adding Skype provides another access channel of support available at low or no cost to the customer as well as the company. Operators standing by can receive calls either by phone or by Skype. Because you need only one Skype Name, you can have multiple operators on separate computers. When a call comes in over Skype, all the computers will ring and any of the operators can answer. The remaining operators are free to pick up the next inbound call. You can have as many operators as you need answering incoming calls, all on the same Skype Name.

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